Your furnace is a valuable part of your home. It keeps your living space cozy and can also keep pipes from freezing. Replacing a furnace or seeking furnace repair services can be an expensive investment, so learning to extend its life as long as possible may help you save money.

Making sure your furnace is working properly can help keep your home warm and comfortable throughout the winter. If you have a broken or malfunctioning furnace, or you need someone to prepare your furnace for regular use, our team at Rostron Premium Home Services can provide quality furnace repair and inspection services for residential and light commercial properties. Here are some tune-up tips to help get your furnace ready for a Jersey Shore winter:

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to extend the life of your furnace. Simple maintenance on your filters and heating system goes a long way toward keeping your furnace in good shape. You can also do simple things that indirectly help your furnace last longer. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your furnace:

Check and Replace Air Filters

When your furnace draws air in, the air brings dust and other contaminants with it. The filter protects your furnace from contaminants by collecting them on their way into the furnace. While this protects your furnace from these particles, they build up in the filter, which makes the furnace work harder to draw air in. Regularly inspecting and replacing the air filter can prevent this extra wear.

A visual inspection is the simplest way to tell if your air filter needs to be replaced. Trapped particles discolor the filter material and create visible buildup. At Rostron Premium Home Services, we recommend you inspect and replace air filters every few months depending on the size of your filter. Keeping your filters clean is one of the easiest ways to reduce furnace repair costs.

Keep Your Furnace Clean

During the summer, dust and debris can be collected in your furnace. Debris can block airflow, reducing your furnace’s efficiency. Dust can prevent the heat exchangers from functioning correctly. It can also lead to increased wear on moving parts like blower fans. Whether you do it yourself or hire a professional, cleaning out your furnace once a year can reduce furnace repair costs in the future.

Inspect and Maintain Your Ducts

Many homes lose heating through leaks in the ductwork. There are many reasons these leaks develop. Sometimes, animals can damage ductwork by getting into it or the area around it. Unrelated home maintenance projects can also damage ductwork. The most common cause of leaks is time — as they age, the tapes and bolts used to seal ductwork decay.

Leaking ductwork decreases the efficiency of your furnace. Hot air that escapes through leaks in the ductwork doesn’t heat your living space. Your furnace has to work harder to compensate. This adds unnecessary strain to your furnace and increases your heating costs. Regular inspection and maintenance on your ducts can reduce your heating costs in the short term and your furnace repair costs in the long term.

Like the furnace itself, your ducts can also collect dust and debris. This buildup can also impede airflow through the ducts, leading to heat loss like leaking ductwork. This can be prevented with regular maintenance.

Check Your Home’s Insulation

Checking your home’s insulation is an excellent way to reduce heating costs and furnace repair needs. As your home ages, its insulation can degrade. If this happens, your furnace will need to work harder to compensate.

Inspecting your home’s insulation may seem daunting, but there are a few easy ways to check on your home’s insulation. Measure the depth of your attic insulation with a tape measure. Look inside electrical sockets to inspect insulation in your exterior walls. Check your house for common air leaks, like degrading weather stripping.

Upgrade Your Thermostat

Reducing the demand you place on your heater can also help it last longer. One of the best ways to do this is by turning your thermostat down when no one is at home. This gives your furnace a break and reduces your heating costs.

Upgrading to a programmable thermostat is a helpful way to keep your furnace usage minimal. You can set a heating schedule that keeps your home cozy without running your furnace when you are not at home. A smart thermostat also allows you to remotely adjust your home’s heating in situations where you are away from home for extended periods.

Use Your Ceiling Fan

Your ceiling fan can help reduce the demand you place on your furnace. Most ceiling fans have both clockwise and counter-clockwise modes. While clockwise rotation is a great way to cool a room, counter-clockwise rotation can help circulate warm air. This allows your furnace to heat the room more efficiently.

Find a Furnace Repair Specialist Today

Proper maintenance is one of the best ways to keep your furnace in good working order. A professional inspection can identify potential issues before they become problems. A furnace repair professional can help you prepare your furnace to keep your home warm throughout the winter. If you are looking for a professional to inspect or help maintain your furnace, contact the team at Rostron Premium Home Services today! 732-223-8221. Ask our front office about being a member with us!